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Welcome To The New School Year

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Hurrah! It’s a New School Year. May this school year be a stepping stone to achieving your dreams and aspirations.

The start of every school year is a great milestone in a child’s life. It comes with excitement, anxieties, anticipations, fears, and other feelings for different people. One thing is certain, your child is making progress.

It’s that time of the year again when the school environment and classrooms come alive with voices, laughter, giggles, and sometimes cries from first timers. The bookshelves get occupied again, the pages of books rustle again, the bell rings again, and the playground gets busy again. Welcome!

We wish to remind parents of the need to collaborate with the school community in order to achieve great success. It is the responsibility of parents to steer their children in the right direction towards achieving set goals. So, pause and work through with your child to set his/her goals for the session.

Parents should also endeavour to put plans in place for a smooth session. Plans around homework, school run, extracurricular, bedtime, visiting day, etc.

We wish to convey our warm wishes to our precious young minds, in their academic pursuits. Wishing you a successful school year filled with excellent grades, great experiences, amazing memories, and good friends.

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